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Das Weltkulturerbe

The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2024

Medical Association



Ursula Empress

To the

Medical Association


Bismarckallee 8-12

23795 Bad Segeberg

Luebeck, 16 August 2000

Free English translation on 4 July 2021.

Copy circulated to the Responsible Persons in the Matter/ Document revised on 24 February 2016

Please let the German-language document be translated into many languages and be handed over to the right persons. CC Worldwide!

Dear Sirs,

If this letter reaches you, I wish that you have already been informed about the existence of your Empress. Please read this letter calmly and take your time. If you do not have any, please pass it on to other personalities for the time being. Should you walk around with sunglasses on your nose every day, especially when the sky is cloudy, you, as doctors, should realise when you take off your sunglasses that the incoming light from our sun has become whiter when the sky is cloudy. (Finest desert sand) *

You as doctors should not only have healthy eyes, which exclude a colour deficiency, but also a good sense of smell, then you would have noticed long ago that many people are already physically ill. One may expect from your profession that you are also able to notice that the number of accidents and resulting injuries are increasing from year to year; also a simple observation, which people confirm through the TV series, classify as a fateful given and as a misfortune However, your Empress does not agree with this at all, not at all!

Societies are increasingly geared towards risk; you can see it in the "bunging jumping" that has become fashionable, in the amusement and adventure parks, in the funfairs, in the car races and in many other things.

It seems that people are looking for thrills and a certain amount of risk, and the search is increasing every year. The answer to the question "why" is complex but easy to answer, please try to find the right answers.

Clearly, you should be told that you allow many young people to drive a motor vehicle even though they get intoxicated while driving with loud music, smoke cigarettes and floor their`s car, thus being an additional danger to others. Many people could still be alive or healthy if you, as doctors, had put your foot down, because the results are under your knife, aren't they?

Not only young people, but also stressed, overtired and irritated people are a risk on the roads. The measures that have been taken go in the direction of counteracting this by making children wear crash helmets when they ride their bicycles and making school beginners wear a conspicuous waistcoat. Not only the means of transport, but also the electric and electronically controlled tools and devices can easily injure and kill people.

If there were a different culture and structure that put human safety first as the highest priority, and not prosperity sitting at the top of the list, then things would look very different for the future of our children. We continue to live with the risk that a nuclear power plant could be defective, that nuclear waste could be released during transport or that terrorists could get their hands on plutonium and thus blackmail the whole world.

The risk that an employee who has access to the reactor could go crazy due to, for example, some family matter and press the wrong button is also quite conceivable in this day and age. It is also not entirely to be denied and not entirely to be ruled out that an aircraft or a flying object could crash into a nuclear power plant or deliberately fly towards it.

The probability that an aircraft will crash there is very, very low, but the increasing number of aircraft and flights as well as nuclear power plants alone makes it as high as the probability of winning the lottery, but this has already happened.

One can assume that such a reactor was built to be earthquake-proof; however, how will it have been tested to see whether it will withstand?

In an emergency, one has to reckon with a catastrophe that no one can even calculate, and that is what I have to reproach you all for as academically educated people. You know that our earth is connected by pipelines and has many dangerous locations.

Could you imagine that soon there will be a bang and the end will begin for all of us together? Could you imagine a nuclear power plant going off and connected to a pipeline the whole earth around being set apart and the parts of the earth being flung into space?

Could you imagine that the sun has already often parted so that the earth is protected and remains? Could you imagine that we have already faced these moments many times and could you imagine that we live on the overdraft of the overdraft and that you have to pay the first loan in cash and immediately and the second as soon as possible?

Increasing illnesses and corresponding body odours indicate that there will already be pollutants in our air, air that we need to breathe. You as doctors should not go with the times and ignore these alarm signs of the human organism; the organism does adjust to the circumstances and the habitat for a certain time, but not change; it remains as it is. My concern to you, however, is quite different.

My concern is actually whether you and others are still able to work honestly at all. Honest means to complete something in its entirety using one's own physical strength and effort, to complete orders flawlessly and completely or, to put it another way, to complete procedures on one's own until a patient is discharged.

Nowadays, sick people are sent from one examination to the next point of contact and then to the operating table. There, the staff changes because of shift work and half-day work. The patient no longer has a confidant; he or she is handed off and passed on every day. The advantage of this system is that no one is overburdened and overworked with the sick, but the work is shared among several people.

Last but not least, there are always the medicines available as remedies and aids, which cannot be blamed anyway, because the package leaflet is always ready. If you ask your doctor or pharmacist, you will get a standard answer or simply be told that something else is not available or on the market. Of course, I wonder how a surgeon feels when he has saved someone's life. Not for nothing are you called the demigods in white. Of course, it is necessary to help someone with perhaps a torn off leg, perhaps lost in a car race, that this person is quickly relieved of the pain and helped. You will always have known before the operation how the misfortune will have happened and will certainly have already heard the greatest things.

You will have adapted to it accordingly, as you can see in the TV-series, which are certainly overdone, to a certain assembly line work with rehearsed procedures, like in the fire brigade. The number and degree of injuries could accumulate, you would continue like this on a grand scale.  There is no such thing as a life without risk, but you can limit the risk so that it is manageable and can almost be eliminated.

However, the trend is clearly going in the other direction. It is quite certain that our children will not grow old like this; you may not have realised it yet, but we have been living through the overdraft of the overdraft for a long time. You also seem not to have noticed how ill most people have become and how ill they are bound to become. You yourselves will not all be healthy either, not mentally and not physically.

Could you imagine that, for example, mentally ill people (drug addicts) could recover in the (psychiatric) (hospitals) Castles through the work of the hands and through the effort of them and your and my spiritual power with the help of their relatives (ex-relatives of the mentally ill people) without you using means that are more than criminal for someones? * 2016

Would you even have people to show who are trained and available to do an honest job? Could you pay these people fairly? Could you imagine that among the surgeons who exist in the world and who are out of service, there are profiteers who quickly implant an organ into a filthy rich person and do not ask where the suitable organ comes from? (China, USA, refugees) *

Could you imagine that people disappear never to be seen again and that a rich person waiting for an organ for himself or his relatives would die or let his children die because he does not get the organ?

But there you have far exceeded your competences and not only played a demigod, but then you have become God in human form, even though, as you will see, it will have gone legitimately. If an artificial organ is inserted, one could still classify it as a work of art in the broadest sense, but transplanting organs, that is the intervention that no longer marks you out as a human being!

This is not what your Empress calls working with your own hands, but playing with life, playing with risk and with ignorance. The sense of achievement is added on top of that and the fee is also worth looking at. You should at least be able to define honest work precisely in order to be able to understand such a letter at all.

It starts with the selection of your person as a doctor: it must be recognisable whether the person is intended for the profession as a doctor. What is easily recognisable for some people, will be impossible for the next. This raises the question, who can correctly classify and recognise a person as a doctor, and who can recognise who is not destined for this profession?

You should find the answer yourself as the responsible person; in any case, it is not the Numerus clausus that is authoritative at the moment, but one already notices that it has been authoritative for many who play a doctor. (From 2016, the highest Numerus clausus will be required). The future will depend on whether you and others will be able to accomplish anything at all by your own efforts and your own hands, or whether you will wait for things to come.

However, one thing is also certain;  societies are sick, they are sick with emancipation, with abundance and weariness. They have mixed with pets and with same-sex partners. They are in the process of swapping gender roles and thus the male species is to be lamented and the female species is to be pitied.

This has been largely caused and driven by the mass media with its inexhaustible possibilities. Could you imagine people slowly switching from cars** (parapsychology) to bicycles without suffering a circulatory collapse?

Do you trust people to cycle longer distances or would they be better off walking to work for now? Could you imagine people being enthusiastic about clearing, dismantling, rebuilding and setting up? Could you imagine that cigarettes will no longer be distributed to consumers through cigarettes machines and merchants, but that they will be available by quantity and strength through you, the doctor, in pharmacies?

Could you imagine that violent and fantasy films will slowly be cut down and erotic films will be withdrawn? Could you even imagine soft-pedalled and giving up luxuries that come out of a wall socket? Could you imagine people travelling to foreign countries as they have done in the past, only no longer appearing there as tourists but the trip will be a longer cultural trip?

Could you find an explanation for why your Empress claims that there is actually no one to replace?** (Third World) Could you imagine that part of the answer to a question I asked here is the pill and contraceptives? Now there is already the abortion pill; and what comes after the bunging jumping, the free fall?

Could you imagine that in the hereafter there are parallels to this world and that your profession in particular is to be held responsible for the abnormal course of a natural life? Could you imagine that the old people's and nursing homes get employees and fellow residents who are responsible for these shameful conditions there? Who could possibly be meant by this if your profession is not meant by it?

Could you imagine that your Authorities have universal remedies for all diseases to offer?** (Only in combination with psycho-work) Could you imagine that apart from the Pope, there are three other people who are in an exalted position, the highest possible for human beings?

Could you imagine that your Empress (* Emperor/ King) is the clock that runs out and that nerves cannot be replaced? Could you imagine that your Empress knows exactly what she has to do, so the Emperor as well as the King?

Do you dare to start and finish something new and do you dare your Authorities to do the same? Could you imagine that you are also ill or stupid or just have asleep?

P. p.


Please contact the Luebeck Health Office, Department of Psychological Services and ask ............................ very quickly, because your Empress has other beings ** to look after! 

02 July 2021 German-language Document checked.